Debra Lott's Painting Going to the Moon
Press Release
February 2022
Debra Lott, Louisville Artist
Painting Going to the Moon
Debra Lott, a Louisville oil painter is among a select group of artists to have their artwork going to the moon (digital and analog technology in time capsules) and the first of women artists to have her painting on the lunar surface. The

Lunar Codex is the first project to put the work of women artists on the Moon and also represents the first figurative realist art on the lunar surface. Lott’s work was selected by Samuel Peralta the payload coordinator and curator for the Lunar Codex.
Samuel Peralta was the curator for Shelter, an exhibit through 33 Contemporary Gallery in 2020- the theme was based on seeking shelter from the global covid 19 pandemic. Lott’s selected painting, Blue Heron Dreams is part of a series titled, Dreams of My Daughter. This painting depicts the dream world of a young woman responding to anxieties in her sleep, similar to those suffered during the Covid pandemic. In Blue Heron Dreams, subliminal illusions of five Blue
Herons appear to fly and perch in the sheets and shadows surrounding the semi -conscious dreamer. According to North American Native tradition and symbolism, the Blue Heron brings messages of self-determination and self-reliance and represent an ability to progress and evolve.
“As an arts and culture project, The Lunar Codex has been called the most expansive, international, and diverse collection of contemporary culture launched to the Moon. The latest word is that the launch will proceed in early 2022, most likely in June.” Samuel Peralta
Available for sale through 33 Contemporary Gallery:
All information about the Lunar Codex can be found on this website.